The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Hamid, Mohsin, 2007
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-12-579882-3
Verfasser Hamid, Mohsin Wikipedia
Systematik J - Jugendbücher in Bearbeitung
Schlagworte Etnische Minderheit, Lektüre 12/13, englische Lektüre, Thriller in englisch, 9/11, american dream, Lektüre 6. Lernjahr, Klassenlektüre englisch
Verlag Klett
Ort Stuttgart
Jahr 2007
Umfang 158 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Mohsin Hamid
Annotation Abiturthemen: National Identity and Diversity und Culture Wars - Tearing apart the US

A young Pakistani, meets a US American in Lahore and tells him about his old, "successful" life in the USA - until 9/11 which changed everything. Suddenly he had to choose sides.
The Reluctant Fundamentalist is set in our time of huge global change and challenges. It asks fundamental questions about ethnic tolerance and the American Dream today.
A fascinating and meticulously written crime novel, which will captivate the reader right up to the elusively open ending.

"...and an elegant and sharp indictment of the clouds of suspiction that now shroud our world": (Jim Ottewill, The Observer)
Shortlisted for the Man Booker prize in 2007

Now a major film directed by Mira Nair and starring Kate Hudson and Kiefer Sutherland