A Star Called Henry : Königserläuterungen und Materialien - Interpretation

Doyle, Roddy, 2009
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Exemplare gesamt 1
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-8044-1850-9
Verfasser Doyle, Roddy Wikipedia
Verfasser Schede, Hans-Georg Wikipedia
Systematik J - Jugendbücher in Bearbeitung
Schlagworte Großbritannien, Arbeiterbewegung, Revolution, Irland, IRA, Schülerhilfe, Lernhilfe, Geschichte «1910-1930», englische Lektüre, Lektüre 6. Lernjahr, Easter Risung, Irish War of Independence, irischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg, Osteraufstand
Verlag Bange
Ort Hollfeld
Jahr 2009
Umfang 136 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Auflage 3. Auflage
Sprache englisch - deutsch
Verfasserangabe Roddy Doyle ; Hans-Georg Schede
Annotation Born in the Dublin slums of 1901, his father a one-legged whorehouse bouncer and settler of scores, Henry Smart has to grow up fast. By the time he can walk he's out robbing and begging, often cold and always hungry, but a prince of the streets. By Easter Monday, 1916, he's fourteen years old and already six-foot-two, a soldier in the Irish Citizen Army. A year later he's ready to die for Ireland again, a rebel, a Fenian and a killer. With his father's wooden leg as his weapon, Henry becomes a Republican legend - one of Michael Collins' boys, a cop killer, an assassin on a stolen bike.