Death Penalty : Sent off - forever...

Hamley, Dennis, 1994
Verfügbar Ja (1) Titel ist in dieser Bibliothek verfügbar
Exemplare gesamt 1
Exemplare verliehen 0
Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-590-55705-4
Verfasser Hamley, Dennis Wikipedia
Systematik J - Jugendbücher in Bearbeitung
Interessenskreis ab 15 Jahre, englischsprachige Literatur, Jugendbuch ab 9. Klasse
Schlagworte Tod, Fußball, Aufklärung, Polizei, Untersuchung, Suche, Mord, Mörder, Geheimnis, Lektüre 4. Lernjahr, Verbrechensbekämpfung, Geheimnisse, geheimnisvoll, englische Lektüre, Jugendroman in englisch, Lektüren englisch, Serienmörder, Aufklärung, Kriminologie, Verbrechen, Verbrecher
Verlag Scholastic Children Books
Ort New York, NY
Jahr 1994
Umfang 220 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Dennis Hamley
Annotation "At the far end of the dressing-room all was quiet. Nothing disturbed the concentraion of the dark, poised figure who, hidden dehind a locker, crouched and waited..."
Radwick Rangers are tipped to go up to the Premiership, and seem assured of success. Then one of the players is found dead, and suddenly the dream of promotion turns into a nightmare.
Because this murdr is only the beginning. Soon the rest of the team are being picked off by the misterious killer. Stu and his girlfriend Annabel are shocked and afraid. Who would take out a whole football team, and why?
The road to Wembly? More like the road to death - in a game with no rules, an a player who is more likely to use a gun than a football...